Saturday, February 6, 2016

My Experience with RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds [Online image]

Greetings, fellow bloggers!

Well, I must say that setting up my RSS feeds was quite a lot of work!  Didn't realize that something as simple as that could take so much time.  Perhaps the reason it took me a few hours was because I was attempting to meet the assignment requirements, and also trying to look for feeds that were meaningful and added value to my learning and interests since I would be reading these feeds on a regular basis.

Safari has been great in keeping all of my most frequently visited sites in one place, but what I have noticed after setting up my feeds is that I get to visit one site ( and see all the top stories of the day from all the sites I subscribe to in one page.  It makes it easier to scan and select the feeds that are interesting, and I want to read right away and visit the other feeds at a later time.  One article from my feed that caught my attention was "Who Needs Advanced Math? Not Everybody", permalink:  It was refreshing to read Andrew Hacker's views on advanced math in high school: not all high school students need it!

Mark Matcho 

RSS Feeds make scanning and selecting information faster and easier.  This assignment has allowed me to appreciate the usefulness of this technology as well as learn how it works and improve my digital literacy.  As Ribble (2015) asserts, "one of the most important aspects of technology is understanding how that technology works so that it can be used in the most appropriate manner." (p. 35).


Matcho, M. [Online image]. Retrieved February 4, 2016

Ribble, M. (2015). Digital Citizenship in Schools (3rd ed.). Arlington, VA: International Society for Technology in Education.

RSS Feed [Online image]. Retrieved February 4, 2016

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