Saturday, February 6, 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection Post #3

Megaphone [Online image]
Greetings, fellow bloggers!

RSS Feeds was a technology that I have ignored for many years, until now.  As I mentioned in my first post, it usually takes the completion of an assignment for me to try new things (working on changing that!).

In this class, we are learning about digital literacy, but I think this is a topic that needs to be addressed in much earlier years of education.  Ribble (2015) makes an interesting statement about the teaching and learning of new technology and how that is often overlooked, he asserts "teaching how to use technology appropriately has not kept pace." (p. 35).

Matt B. Gomez
Learning how to use RSS Feeds correctly helps me stay informed, and save time when reviewing the information from my various feeds.  RSS Feeds is an excellent tool that I would add to my PLE in two categories: organize and mLearning.  It helps me organize the content based on the categories I selected, and it makes it easier to digest the information and stay on top of what's happening in my areas of interest. It also saves me time, as all the information is on one page; all I have to do is scan the stories and select the one I want to read at that time and the others for later.  It also helps me learn on the go.  I no longer have to be restricted to accessing this content from a computer, but can do so from my phone whenever I am commuting.

One of the key takeaways from this assignment is learning how to set up feeds that further improves my learning.  I think that's why it took me so long to set up the feeds that were required for this week's assignment.  There is so much content on the internet that sometimes deciding on the sites to follow takes time.  I wanted to make sure the content I would be receiving daily was well written and thought provoking.  This is what having digital literacy is about: learning how to use digital technologies, and "evaluating online resources [to determine] the accuracy of the content on websites and wikis" (p. 36).
(The Digital Frontline, 2012)

Gomez, M. B., [Online image]. Retrieved February 6, 2016

Megaphone. [Online image]. Retrieved February 6, 2016

Ribble, M. (2015). Digital Citizenship in Schools (3rd ed.). Arlington, VA: International Society for Technology in Education.

The Digital Frontline, (2012). Retrieved February 6, 2016

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